Get Involved

Support our mission to reduce barriers to reentry in Tompkins County

There are many ways to get involved:


Join our volunteer network! Join our Healthful Transitions Team or participate in our volunteer driver program. Stay up to date with our upcoming events and even propose your own event ideas! Also, check out our working groups and join one where you can help contribute!

Directly assist people in reentry by supporting and sharing our fundraisers! Help residents of the Sunflower Houses furnish their home by donating items off of the Sunflower Houses Amazon Wishlist.

URO is challenging barriers to reentry with a multilateral and wholistic approach. We are directly assisting people in their reentry process, connecting local organizations in a collective impact approach to bring together a network of people to provide formerly incarcerated people with various resources, educating students and community members on criminal justice issues, and conducting research to identify systemic issues contributing to recidivism and unsuccessful reentry in order to imagine and implement systemic change. If you support our mission, please consider becoming a donor!